Unleash the Power

of Your Truth 

Claim your creative self.

Break the spell that keeps you from writing.

Unleash Your Muse

Unleash Your Muse

January - March 2024 | Virtual Intensive Writing Program

Your Muse is not just a whisper in your dreams; it is a vibrant call, echoing through the chambers of your soul, beckoning you to craft the narrative only you can tell.

In this exquisitely curated three-month writing course, we invite you to delve into the tapestry of your consciousness, explore the unique depths, and unveil the stories that shape your being. This is not just a course; it is a pilgrimage into the heart of your creativity, where your Muse, a timeless companion, awaits your awakening and your companionship.

Uncover the Gifts Within

Your inner landscape is rich with untold tales and unexplored wisdom. Through transformative writing, we invite the aspects of your spiritual allies to emerge.

Foster Sacred Trust with Creativity

We encourage you to nurture your creative impulses and believe that forming a habit of writing can mend your bond with the written word and heal and empower your relationship with your inner self.

A Call to Transform

What transformation lies on the edge of your consciousness, waiting to be realized? Within this course, you will find the support, community, space, and tools to activate the metamorphosis you're yearning for.

The Dance of Discipline and Discovery

Over three months, you will establish the discipline of a daily writing practice, opening the channels for a trusted dialogue with your allies.

Rewrite, Deepen, Envision

Our journey will enable you to rewrite the chapters of your past, to immerse fully in the essence of your present, and to cast the vision of an empowered future. In this realm, the pen becomes your scepter of power, a tool to author your destiny.

The first step is connecting with Abigail. Click the “I’m Ready!” below to start your personal odyssey.

Are you ready to unleash your Muse?

Two weeks before COVID hit, I took a coaching challenge to apply the Spiral Way to my writing. I wrote and shared a poem a day for a year.  I submitted this body of work to the 2021 Homebound Poetry Prize, and won.  Walk Deep has been awarded the 2022 Nautilus Prize and has been nominated for a National Pushcart Prize.

Like a nurturing embrace from Mother Earth, these verses resonate with the impact our surrounding landscapes can have on our innermost selves.  In the book, I explore how being in close relationship with a familiar landscape can heal and inspire.

Drawing on the wisdom gained from over two decades of leadership coaching, "Walk Deep" unfolds like a tender friend, guiding personal growth through the transformative power of writing.

Book:Walk Deep


Rooted in leadership, intuition, and creativity, my professional journey marries my background as an Art Therapist and a Marriage and Family Therapist with my role as a Certified Co-Active Coach. Leveraging these unique perspectives, Co-Active coaching becomes a shared voyage beyond comfort zones, illuminating personal pathways and inspiring depth and momentum of growth unattainable alone.

With over two and a half decades of experience, including a ten year faculty role at the Co-Active Training Institute, I've helped thousands of clients learn how to trust their visions and make them a reality.

My steadfast mission is to awaken creative discipline as a potent tool for radical personal transformation and spirit-led leadership growth.